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23 August 2009

sepanjang KETIADAAN hOuSeMaTeKu

what a long weekend u noe...but guwd oso.so, i hav much tyme to studi wif "EKONOMI MALAYSIA".huh!!!its boring u noe...1st day poce ->sahur @ ameer ali mam tosei n minum air barli panas.pergh~~~barli yang sangat menyedapkan tekak aku ni ha.n den berbuke kat VILLAGE VIEW,BANGI.how much is it??RM73 for 4 persons.makan cam tak hengat dunie.excited poce kot..keh3...studi subjek yg membace,its very tired u noe...!!!aduyai~~~and...aku stay up till pas sahur...lepas je subuh aku tewos terlentang atas katil.tak larat dowh..but im still wake up early u noe.10am...awal kan..=D.now,2nd day poce...cam bece,sahur kat ameer ali n melantak mee goreng mamak,roti bakar n barli panas...n skunk nie im waiting fa da studi mood...come to me ma dear...plz...juz a lil bit more to read.



Mamek Eaturmusicx said...

huhu. pas sahur terus tidur? aiseh! =P

neddya said...

hype,,,edit pakai photoscape n adobe photoshop cs n cs4 je...

**hudalulu** said...

tunggu suboh dulu bawu tidor