ni bukan saya yang letak title sendirik taw
tapi ade sweet girls yang bagi award ni kat saya
sweet girls???
persoalannya di sini ialah
adakah blog saya cantik atau saya yang cantik???
tak kesah lah
apa yang saya kene buat :
1.thank & link the person that gave you the award
hey2 sweet girls ''chemay'' and ''ika'' thankz yaw =)
2. pass the award onto 15bloggersyou've recently discovered and think they are fantastic
- shikin my bestie
- shera my coursemate
- wany my roomate
- sys bintang
- nurul my all together
- fatin razali si suke suki sewel
huhuhuhu dapat bagi 6 je la =p
3. contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award
okeyh...settle this first den i wll let them know =D
4. state 7 things about yourself
- love my family very much
- love my mr.boyfie very much too
- love blogging
- love facebooking
- i've my lovely diet instructor
- he always be my spirit
- love.live.laugh
nice award.
yeah...really nice...ngeee~~~
wah, dah dapat award ek.. igtkan award oscar ker, nobel prize ke..papepun nak ucap tahniah jugak le
hasrol : ngeee~~~thankz der
pinjam diet instructor
same2 cik hudalulu :)
cik zatil : tak leyh...sebab rasenye awak tak mampu nak bayar perkhidmatan yang die beri..
kasih sayang..kehkehkhe
waaa~ congrats! ^_^ hehe
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